Business as a force for good
BFG Associates
The Service We PRovide
Free consultation to obtain an understanding of your situation and the key drivers behind your exit using a combination of coaching and mentoring techniques. If you decide employee ownership is not your best option, or that the timing is not right, I will have helped you clarify your exit options and the timing that is right for you.
If you decide you want to pursue employee ownership as an exit plan, I will explain the project management model, which provides rigour to the whole process and helps you think through the key aspects of the business sale and a realistic time frame. Read more on the BFG Associates process.
Stage 1
The first stage allows you to establish clarity on what you want to achieve through the sale, both from a personal and business point of view. This is done by using the Project Contract, the purpose of which is to achieve clarity on key aspects such as your goals, timescale, and critical success factors.
Stage 2
In conjunction with your legal and financial experts, you will need to decide on the right employee ownership model for you. There are 3 main employee-ownership models and a number of different options within those models. Having been through that same process, I will act as a sounding board to help you navigate through the pros and cons of the choices available to you.
Stage 3
Communication to employees is a critical part of a successful implementation. You will not have all the answers, but it is important that you have a consistent message to avoid unnecessary confusion and the risk of having a negative reaction from employees. It’s important to decide what you are going to say, to whom, and when. I will provide support to enable a positive response from your employees.
Stage 4
Once the sales deal is complete, the expectations of your employees will be different, and you will need to think about how to ensure effective and transparent communication. Having tried and tested a number of ways to achieve this, I will support you through the aspects of embedding an employee ownership and values-led culture.